Message from the Co-Chairs

On behalf of the course chairs Tami Rowen and Andrew Goldstein we would like to take the opportunity to welcome you to the ISSWSH sexual pain course, a unique and innovative course designed to empower you to address your patient’s important and common concerns regarding sexual pain. We believe this course will provide invaluable resources to all providers who take care of women.

The ISSWSH Education committee is dedicating to providing the most up to date, evidence based and practical information regarding women’s sexual health and well-being. We host an annual Fall Course and a half day pre-course as well as 4 education courses during the ISWSH Annual meeting. We hope that for anyone new to ISSWSH you will take advantage of these educational opportunities as we strive to improve women’s sexual well-being in the United States and round the world.

andrew goldstein

Andrew T. Goldstein, MD, IF, FACOG

Rowen T. 400

Tami S. Rowen, MD, MS, FACOG, IF

Save The Date

ISSWSH Fall Course 2025
November 13-16, 2025
243 days left
We-Ko-Pa Casino Resort - Fort McDowell, AZ

ISSWSH Annual Meeting 2026
February 12-15, 2026
334 days left
Hyatt Rengency - Long Beach, CA
Visit the Meeting Website


Contact Details

ISSWSH Executive Office
14305 Southcross Dr
Suite 100
Burnsville, MN 55306

Phone: +1 (952) 683 9025
Fax: +1 (952) 314 8212
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.