Welcome Message

Dear Registrant,

We are excited to welcome you to the new expanded Fall Course sponsored by the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health. This year we are returning to the site of so many past successful courses, Scottsdale, Arizona. In response to the request from past registrants for more time, we are starting the course earlier on Friday. We hope this will address those needs.​ 

The basic topics and teaching objectives of the course remain in place. All content has been updated, and some of the interesting specialty lectures have been changed. Moving forward the ISSWSH course faculty will change from course to course, with some repeat lecturers and qualified local speakers being brought onto the faculty as time and location allow. This will maintain the flavor of the course while allowing it to evolve. Potential attendees of the courses include (but or not limited to) physicians, residents, students, nurse practitioners, physical therapists and sex therapists.

This year we have returned to a format that allows all registrants an opportunity to attend all five breakout sessions on Saturday and on Sunday, rather than having to pick and choose each day. We believe this will be beneficial both to the attendees and to the course instructors. You will also have an opportunity to hear case studies first hand from patients with distressing sexual health problems, and the changes to their lives with treatment. Finally, with the expanded hours we are including lunch on Friday as part of the program. For the kick-off of this new feature we are having a sponsored lunch with a special guest speaker discussing advocacy.

In addition we have teamed up for the first time with the Society for Sex Therapy and Research (SSTAR).  They are reprising their popular Fall Clinical Meeting in Scottsdale the day before the ISSWSH course. The SSTAR meeting is ​designed ​for ​practicing ​sex ​therapists, ​psychologists, ​physicians, ​advanced ​practice ​nurses, ​marriage ​and ​family ​ therapists, ​clinical ​social ​workers, ​other ​health ​care​ professionals, ​and ​researchers ​seeking ​state-of-the-art information ​on ​the ​rapidly ​evolving ​field ​of ​human ​sexuality. The ​primary ​goal ​of ​the ​meeting ​is ​to ​serve ​as ​a ​multidisciplinary ​forum ​in ​which ​to ​discuss ​the ​clinical ​assessment ​and ​management, ​ethical ​and ​societal ​issues, ​and ​outcome ​of ​sex ​therapy ​interventions ​in ​clinical ​cases. Please consider attending both the SSTAR Clinical Meeting and the ISSWSH Fall Course together. 

We are looking forward to seeing you in Scottsdale, 

Sue W. Goldstein, BA, CCRC, IF
Fall Course Chairman   




Save The Date

ISSWSH Fall Course 2025
November 13-16, 2025
228 days left
We-Ko-Pa Casino Resort - Fort McDowell, AZ

ISSWSH Annual Meeting 2026
February 12-15, 2026
319 days left
Hyatt Rengency - Long Beach, CA
Visit the Meeting Website


Contact Details

ISSWSH Executive Office
14305 Southcross Dr
Suite 100
Burnsville, MN 55306

Phone: +1 (952) 683 9025
Fax: +1 (952) 314 8212
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.